The Villages of Westcreek Owners’ Association is currently recruiting to fill a Regular Member vacancy on the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). You must be a homeowner to be appointed by the Board of Directors to serve on this committee.
The primary objective of the ARC is to enhance and preserve property values throughout the community while being as consistent and fair as possible with their decisions and recommendations. The ARC has the authority to:
- Adopt and administer the review process on behalf of the VWOA;
- Review and approve or disapprove plans and specifications for each Property Improvement Application (PIA) regarding changes to the premises;
- Make changes to the “Standards for Architectural Design and Property Maintenance” as deemed necessary in accordance with the CC&Rs and applicable Federal, State, and local laws; and,
- Make reasonable efforts to assist the applicants with their requests and any other concerns regarding the “Standards.”
ARC members will be trained and expected to conduct business using an automated system. This system allows ARC members to digitally view, comment, approve or deny PIAs.
Ideal candidates will need to
- have access to a computer and the internet.
- be available consistently to meet in person should homeowners request a meeting to discuss their PIA.
- have knowledge of the CC&Rs and the VWOA’s standards.
Additional duties and responsibilities are outlined in the “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Article IX – Architectural Review Committee)” and “Standards for Architectural Design and Property Maintenance.”
CLICK HERE to send an email to the VWOA Community Manager to submit your name for consideration. Be sure to include your home address, phone number, and email address.