AGENDA: VWOA 2020 Nominations Committee Meeting
January 21, 2020, 5:00 PM in the VWOA Conference Room
Meeting to Order
Review/Approve Previous Meeting Minutes
Old Business
1. Critical Items affecting the Election Process Deadlines – (OPEN)
Reference Minutes from 1/7/2020. Update on these items based on responses from Board meeting.
2. Update Deadline Worksheet – (OPEN)
Update and check violation statuses.
3. Identify required wording on certain documents – (OPEN)
Update based on latest guidance from the Board.
4. Assist the Board with Meet the Candidates meetings– (OPEN)
Update based on latest guidance from the Board.
5. Procedures for handling/processing Absentee Votes, Electronic Votes, and Proxies – (OPEN)
6. Absentee Voting vs Early Voting –(OPEN)
7. Committee Member Appointments (OPEN)
Update based on latest guidance from the Board.
New Business
Schedule Next Meeting
Adjourn Meeting