You’re the Key

You’re the Key to Preventing Vehicle Theft

For the past several months we have seen ongoing reports of vehicle break-ins and theft of contents.  These types of crimes happen in all communities, including those that are gated. We would like to review some simple tips that you can employ to reduce your risk of becoming a victim.

  1. Always take your key and garage door opener with you when leaving your vehicle unattended.
  2. Always close and lock all windows, sunroofs and doors.
  3. Park in well-lit areas.  Make sure you turn on your exterior lights during hours of darkness.
  4. Always keep your vehicle in your garage, if possible.
  5. Never, ever leave valuables in your vehicle, especially where they can be seen.
  6. Never, ever leave the area while your vehicle is running.
  7. Etch your driver’s license number on all removable valuable items. Items such as audio equipment.
  8. Don’t leave your driver’s license or title in the vehicle.
  9. Keep a record of the VIN number, license plate number, and insurance information in your wallet or purse.
  10. Install a vehicle tracking and location system that can be activated after the vehicle is reported as stolen.

If your vehicle is stolen or broken into, call police immediately and provide a complete description of the items taken. Also provide license plate number, make and model of vehicle, year and color, plus VIN number and insurance company. If the vehicle was burglarized, don’t touch the vehicle and disturb any evidence.

A Public Safety Committee Reminder!

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