- Regular Member – Bill Fenstermacher (Chair)
- Regular Member: Tracy McMahan
- Regular Member: Marissa Rhodes
- Alternate Member: Yuri Balmaceda
- Alternate Member: Matt Ninan
Responsibility of Committee: The primary responsibility of the Architectural Review Committee is to receive and act upon all proposals, plans, specifications, complaints, requests for determination, or other matters submitted pursuant to the terms of the “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions”, and to carry out all other duties imposed on by the CC&R’s. The ARC, may, but need not, hire specialized consultants and incur reasonable expenses to aid in reviewing plans and their incidents.
- For more information about the purpose, function, and additional duties of this committee refer to the “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Article IX – Architectural Review Committee)” and the current “Standards for Architectural Design and Property Maintenance”.
Meeting Schedule: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Architectural Review Committee is no longer meeting until further notice. Please note that applications for property improvements may take up to 30 days from submission for approval action if all required information is submitted.
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- Click here to view the meeting schedule
Standing Agenda Item: Review and act upon all “Property Improvement Applications (PIA)” brought before the Committee for action.
How to Join this Committee: Members are appointed by the Board of Directors per the CC&R’s.
Minutes: The Architectural Review Committee Reports are included in the Board of Director’s Minutes.