- CLICK HERE to download and print the Property Improvement Application (PIA) Form
- CLICK HERE to download and print the Property Improvement Application (PIA) Checklist
The review process begins with the Homeowner/Tenant. The ARC evaluates the proposed improvements or changes using the CC&Rs and the Standards as references. The process does not include consideration of building code compliance or structural integrity, which is the responsibility of the Homeowners and builders. There is nothing in the CC&Rs, the Standards or the review process that exempts the builders and/or Homeowners from their responsibilities of securing applicable permits and complying with all other requirements of the county/city, state and federal government that may apply to the development of that property.
If you are not sure that your proposal is approvable, call the Standards Superintendent for guidance or submit a PIA with all supporting information and documents to the ARC for review.
The PIA is designed for Homeowners/Tenants to request an improvement/change to the dwelling’s exterior, entire property and other buildings or structures in accordance with the Standards. The PIA may be downloaded from our website or obtained at the Community Center’s office. The applicant is responsible for submitting a completed PIA, along with all applicable supporting information and documents, to the Community Center’s office no later than end of business day each Friday to allow adequate processing time before the ARC meets on Tuesday afternoon. Submissions received after noon on Monday may be presented to the ARC for consideration at their next regular meeting; however, due to time restraints, they may not be considered until the following meeting. (Refer to Appendix B for sample PIA)
NOTE: Tenants may not make improvements/changes, in accordance with the ‘Standards’ without the Homeowner’s written permission which must accompany the PIA.
Application requirements are as follows:
- A completed PIA must be submitted to the ARC for approval with a complete description of the proposed improvement/change. This information will make it easier for the ARC to properly, thoroughly and promptly render a decision without causing a delay;
- Provide any applicable documents, materials, color samples, drawings, sketches, pictures, brochures, photographs and all applicable dimensions that adequately describe the proposal; if any permanent structure is proposed for placement in/over a utility easement as shown on the Plat/Lot Survey, written authorization from all applicable utility companies must accompany the request for ARC approval; and
- Include a copy of the Plat/Lot Survey (if applicable) showing the location of the improvement/change. If the Plat/Lot Survey is required and is not on hand, you may obtain a copy from your title company or the Bexar County Clerk’s Office.
- Application review will result in either approval or disapproval. The ARC’s review is based on the adequacy of the materials, site dimensions, conformity and harmony of external design including color schemes, location with respect to neighboring structures and properties in compliance with the specific and general intent of the VWOA’s CC&Rs and Standards.
- The ARC must act on initial PIAs within 30 days after they are received by the ARC, or they are automatically approved. If the applicant does not provide sufficient information to allow the ARC to render an appropriate decision, the application will be disapproved and the applicant is given fifteen (15) days to provide the information requested to the ARC. However, if the information is not received within fifteen (15) days of the disapproval, the disapproval stands. (Refer to Appendices B and C for sample PIA and Plat/Lot Survey) (Refer to VWOA-CC&Rs, Article IX, Section 9.12)
ARC Approval/Disapproval
- When the ARC approves an applicant’s request (PIA), ninety (90) days will be allowed to complete the project. If the project is still in progress, an extension may be requested. If the project has not begun, the applicant will be informed that a new PIA must be submitted. If the ARC disapproves an applicant’s request (PIA), the applicant may amend their design and resubmit a new PIA for consideration or appeal the decision.
NOTE: Changes made without ARC approval may be required to be removed or modified. With the exception of improvements or changes that do not require ARC approval, in accordance with Appendix A, improvements or changes to the premises may not be commenced or permitted to remain on any portion of the property until plans and specifications are submitted to the ARC for review on a PIA. (Refer to Appendix B for sample PIA)