NOTE:  This page is currently under review!

Chair:  Brian Bush, Treasurer

Responsibility of Committee: The primary responsibility of the Finance and Reserve Study Committee is to assist the Treasurer in preparing annual budgets for consideration and adoption by the Board, as well as providing regular updates of income and expenditures to keep members informed on fiscal health of their association

By-laws and Administrative Resolution: The committee is established in accordance with Paragraph 13.02 of the VWOA By-laws. A full description of membership eligibility, organization, duties, and responsibilities may be found in Administrative Resolution 6 on this website.

Meeting Schedule: All homeowners are eligible to join the Finance and Reserve Study Committee. Meeting notices are posted on the website calendar, the bulletin board in the lobby of the Community Center and via email to residents who subscribe on the website to receive interesting VWOA news and updates delivered to their inbox. Click here to view Meeting Schedule

How to Join this Committee: Homeowners who wish to serve as committee members may join this Committee by sending an email to with their personal contact information, including home address, phone number, and email address, and maintaining regular meeting attendance thereafter. All adult family members may attend the meetings and engage in discussion, but only one member per household is allowed to vote on committee decisions.

Committee Recommendations and Minutes: The Finance and Reserve Study Committee prepares recommendations regarding budgets and other financial matters and submits them the VWOA Board for final approval. Minutes of all committee meetings are included as attachments to the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings.