The Community Yard Sales schedule for the rest of the year is as follows:
- July 13th & 14th
- August 10th & 11th
- September 14th & 15th
- October 12th & 13th
- November 9th & 10th
- December 14th & 15th
Click Here to download and print the latest Yard Sale Listing which is usually updated on the Friday afternoon prior to the sale weekend.
At the Board of Directors meeting held on July 15, 2021, the Board of Directors decided to allow Yard Sales on the 2nd Saturday weekend of the month to include both Saturday and Sunday. They also eliminated the restriction of each residence having only 4-yard sales a year. You can now have monthly yard sales following the guidelines listed below.
- Sales may only be held on the 2nd Saturday weekend to include both Saturday and Sunday of each month from 7 AM to 7 PM and only at the resident’s home.
- Up to three (3) commercially produced signs are allowed and must be provided by the resident. The signs may not exceed five (5) square feet and may not be placed/affixed on objects such as boxes, trees, street signs, mailbox clusters, fences, utility poles, or the common properties of the VWOA. Homemade signs are not permitted anywhere within the Villages of Westcreek.
- To invite the general public to your Yard Sale, you should consider placing:
- one (1) sign at the major intersection closest to your home, and
- two (2) other signs at appropriate locations to guide the public to your home.
- Signs may not be displayed earlier than 12 noon on the day before your planned yard sale and must be removed by 9 PM the same day as the sale.
- During the week leading up to the yard sales, the Association will place signs at the major intersections and entrances to the Villages of Westcreek that state: “Yard Sales this Saturday.”
- Residents who wish to have the name of their street and Village posted on the Association’s website must call the office at 210-679-8761 no later than 12 noon on the last business day before Saturday’s yard sale.
- Residents may only display sale items on the resident’s driveway, lawn, and in the garage. To prevent congestion and interference with street traffic and the pedestrian’s use of the sidewalk, sale items are not allowed on the street, sidewalk, and the driveway apron that is an extension to the sidewalk.